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The Open Gateway

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a home for elderly Jewish immigrants in Israel. We have a long history of serving the elderly community, having provided accommodation for more than 100 independent seniors for over two decades.

The Need - and Our Response

The New Life Center

The elderly population in Israel is growing. Many of them are below the poverty line and are dependent on the government and NGOs to provide housing solutions. Thousands are currently on the waiting list for affordable housing in Israel.

Please read more about our new project to see how we plan to help

Assisting the Aliyah

The increasing anti-Semitism in the world is bringing a rise in those making Aliyah, and a significant part of our vision is to assist the elderly Jews in the Diaspora who want to make Aliyah but have no one else to turn to. They may have no relatives or be too frail for others to consider helping.

Ukraine Relief Project

Due to the Russia/Ukraine crisis, Israel is opening its gates to Jews and other refugees who have lost everything in the war and are coming to Israel to seek refuge. This unexpected Aliyah has stressed the government to provide immediate solutions for housing.

Please read more about our new project to see how we plan to help


Coming Soon

    Contact Us

    You can contact us by email at
    Or by filling in and submitting this form

    About Us

    The Open Gateway is a registered Amutah of good standing since 2000.

    Our vision from the beginning has always been to see the elderly housed in suitable, affordable accommodation. Our board members and staff both in Israel and abroad work tirelessly to make this a reality.